Monday, February 5, 2007

Whiny kids

I am finally proven right.
Whiny kids are just flat out harmful to your health. Not only is your 'crap tolerance' stretched, NOW we know that those of us with kids eat less healthy than those without. The reason: (As per the author of the story):"Too many adults are whipped into foolish dietary practices by their children. They need to stop giving in to whining children influenced by television advertising and start making informed nutritional choices for the whole family," Adams said. "Children will eat healthy food if you stop buying the processed junk food. It's all a matter of standing your ground on issues of health and nutrition."
Let's also talk parenting: Stand your ground and be consistent!
Here's the
Have a great day contemplating your dietary future and the whiny response you will get with any and every attempt to eat healthier!! Dare to be Great!!

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